Monday, February 1, 2010

Vintage Valentines

Only two week away from pink and red day! Yes, that would be Valentines Day. I get it (really I do) why some people do not like this day. Lets face it as a kid I never was thrilled about creating a Valentines Day box for our school parties because every year I would make the same box.... a radio with heart speakers. Oh and how can I not forget the whole fight about having to give everyone in class a Valentines Day card. I hated the thought of having to give everyone a Valentines in fear some boy would think I liked him and to me that was not at all thrilling. Then the high school and college years rolled around and I am as single as they come during these days. Try living in a sorority house where the flower guy was coming every half hour delivery flowers that had the wrong name on them. I mean didn't he know by now they all belonged to me?! (I guess the memos got loss in the snowbanks.) But it was during these years where us single ladies would banter together and we created our own Valentines Day fun. Plus, if you think about it its one big day that celebrates my two favorite colors Red and Pink and have you noticed all the fun candy that is out there these days?! So really, with my two favorite colors and a day where eating candy all day is fully acceptable what is there not to love?!

I have complied some really fun Valentines Day ideas that I am going to share with all of you between now and pink and red day! I figured its never too early to start spreading some love.

love these vintage gift tags. such a sweet touch

love the mini card style and yes I will be your Valentine!

A red take on the mini card style sure to please all those you love

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